Paris Internationale 2021 edition is taking place from 20 to 24 October 2021 at 186 avenue Victor Hugo. Silvia Ammon is the director of this 7th edition.
For its seventh edition, Paris Internationale welcomes back longstanding collaborators such as e.g. greengrassi (London), Kendall Koppe (Glasgow), KOW (Berlin), Misako & Rosen (Tokyo), Stereo (Warsaw) or Veda (Florence), as well as exciting new exhibitors e.g. Crisis (Lima), Delgosha (Tehran), Ginsberg Galeria (Lima), Grey Noise (Dubai), LC Queisser (Tbilisi), Piedras (Buenos Aires) or First Floor Gallery (Harare).
All galleries are bringing solo or duo presentations to an intimate and welcoming setting in a residential building on avenue Victor Hugo in Paris’ 16th arrondissement to the west of the Eiffel Tower. As every year, Paris Internationale is also supporting the major contribution of non-profit spaces and invited Blitz (Valletta), Rhizome (Algiers) or Selebe Yoon (Dakar) and Studiocur/art (Beirut/Paris) to the fair.
This year’s public programs will feature the third itération of Daily Dérives, a series of commented visits and a curated program of conversations overseen by Anissa Touati, who has recently joined the team as Curator-at-large, the talks focus on tactics of togetherness while imagining new futures. The full schedule will be announced this week-end. As part of its support to the young French art scene, this edition will be an opportunity for the Emerige Endowment Fund to exhibit works by the winners of the Emerige Revelation Grant.
Wednesday, October 20
4pm – Marc-Olivier Wahler, Director MAH, Geneva, Switzerland
5pm – Kathryn Weir, Artistic Director, Madre Museum, Naples, Italy
Friday, October 22
4pm – Fabien Danesi, Director of the Frac Corse, France
Saturday, October 23
4pm – Cedric Fauq, Chief curator at CAPC musée Bordeaux, France
Sunday, October 24
2pm – Eva Barois De Caevel, independent curator, art critic and publisher
Thursday, October 21 — 5pm
Building on the Present, Keeping an Eye on the Past, While Reviewing History
• Lucía Casani, Director La Casa Ensendida, Madrid, Spain
• Sofía Lanusse, Director Espacio Temporal, Paris, France
Friday, October 22 — 5pm
How the institution of the museum and its collection is being reimagined and reinvented today from a southern perspective
• Pedro Gadanho, architect, curator, and writer. Former founding Director of the MAAT, in Lisbon, and a curator at MoMA, in New York.
• Elina Kountouri, Director Neon Foundation, Athens, Greece
• Sonia Lawson, Director Palais de Lomé, Togo
Saturday, October 23 — 5pm
Platforms at the intersection between contemporary art and the emergence of global histories.
• Karina El Helou, Director Studio/curart Beirut/Paris
• Sara Dolfi Agostini, Contemporary art curator Blitz Valletta, Malta
• Irene Popiashvili, Director Kunsthalle Tbilisi, Georgia
• Anissa Touati, Curator-at-large Paris Internationale.
The 7th edition of Paris Internationale is also supported by Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette and Métier.
Paris Internationale has also further developed the website to provide a properly pleasurable experience of the galleries’ presentations in viewing rooms allowing for ample contextual material that will be available until October 31st. A cornerstone of the city’s cultural agenda, Paris Art Week brings an unparalleled energy to the great galleries and cultural institutions of Paris each October.

List of galleries :
After 8 Books, Paris Arbeat, Tbilisi Blitz, Valletta Ciaccia Levi, Paris Crisis, Lima Crèvecoeur, Paris Delgosha, Tehran Fanta-MLN, Milan Felix Gaudlitz, Vienna First Floor Gallery, Harare Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna Ginsberg Galeria, Lima Good Weather, North Little Rock/Chicago greengrassi, London Gregor Staiger, Zurich/Milan Grey Noise, Dubai Hot Wheels, Athens Iragui, Moscow Kayokoyuki, Tokyo, Kendall Koppe, Glasgow KOW, Berlin LC Queisser, Tbilisi Lefebvre & Fils, Paris Lucas Hirsch, Dusseldorf Misako & Rosen, Tokyo Piedras, Buenos Aires Rhizome, Algiers Selebe Yoon, Dakar SOPHIE TAPPEINER, Vienna Sperling, Munich Stereo, Warsaw Studiocur/art, Beirut/Paris Three Star Books, Paris Veda, Florence von ammon co , Washington DC Wilfried Lentz, Rotterdam.

Jakob Lena Knebl, Ursula (detail), 2021
Version française :
La 7ème édition de Paris se tiendra du 20 au 24 octobre 2021 au 186 avenue Victor Hugo, signant un retour aux sources dans l’ouest parisien et haussmanien. Slvia Ammon est la directrice de cette édition.
Pour sa 7ème édition, Paris Internationale a sélectionné trente-cinq galeries, venues de 21 pays. Les galeries greengrassi (Londres), Kendall Koppe (Glasgow), KOW (Berlin), Misako & Rosen (Tokyo), Stereo (Varsovie), Veda (Florence), accompagnent les trois galeries fondatrices, Ciaccia Levi (Paris), Crèvecoeur (Paris) et Gregor Staiger (Zurich) depuis les premières éditions, et en constituent le socle.
Parmi les 20 nouvelles venues, Paris Internationale est heureuse d’accueillir les gale- ries : Artbeat (Tbilisi), Crisis (Lima), Delgosha (Teheran), Ginsberg Galeria (Lima), Good Weather (Little Rock/Chicago), Grey Noise (Dubai), Hot Wheels (Athènes), Iragui (Mos- cou), LC Queisser (Tbilisi), Piedras (Buenos Aires), von ammon co (Washington DC).
Pour la première fois Paris Internationale accueille trois participants du continent africain : First Floor Gallery (Harare), Rhizome (Alger) et Selebe Yoon (Dakar).
Temps fort du calendrier culturel parisien, la Semaine de l’art insuffle chaque année en octobre une énergie sans équivalent aux galeries et institutions culturelles de Paris, faisant de la ville une capitale mondiale de l’art. Dans un monde en progressive réou- verture, Paris Internationale invite ainsi plus que jamais ses exposants et son public à se réunir pour célébrer l’art et la communauté qui les unit.
Afin de compléter l’offre de la foire et de permettre à celles et ceux qui ne pourront être présents de partager néanmoins l’expérience de cette nouvelle édition, Paris In- ternationale maintient cette année une édition digitale sur son site internet, en plus de la foire physique. Par le biais d’outils innovants et en donnant la possibilité aux galeries de mettre l’accent sur toute sorte de matériaux contextuels, l’édition digitale qui sera visible jusqu’au 31 octobre, devient aussi une plateforme permettant d’approfondir ses connaissances sur les artistes découverts à la foire.
Infos pratiques :
Paris Internationale
20-24 octobre
Preview 19 octobre
186, Avenue Victor Hugo 75116 Paris, France