Chiara Camoni, Sister 2020 SpazioA, Pistoia photo Agostino Osio
Manifesta 15 taking place from the 8th of September to the 24th of November 2024 will gather 85 participants showcasing diverse and innovative works across 16 venues in 12 cities. These artistic practitioners will address crucial issues such as ecology, ecofeminism, human rights and more, spread throughout industrial sites and monumental landmarks, such as The Three Chimneys of Sant Adrià de Besòs, The Monastery of Sant Cugat and Casa Gomis in El Prat de Llobregat.
Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana aims to build new ways for social and artistic communities to connect with local infrastructures. It seeks to shift cultural attention to the city’s outskirts and neighbouring areas, fostering collaboration between the metropolitan cities. Manifesta, known for its nomadic nature, emphasises creating site-specific structures that focus on local voices and memories, supported by extensive research in host cities two years prior to the biennial.

The Three Chimneys, Sant Adrià del Besòs. Photo © Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana | Arnau Rovira
Topics for Manifesta 15 :
Researchers focused on selected topics — Balancing Conflicts, Cure and Care, and Imagining Futures — that link to three significant locations: the Llobregat Delta, the Collserola Mountain Range and the Besòs River.
Balancing Conflicts
- Binta Diaw (1995, SN/IT)
- Claudia Pagès (1990, ES)*
- Elmo Vermijs (1982, NL)
- Embassy of the North Sea (Collective, based in NL)*
- La Casa dels Futurs (Collective, based in ES) *
- Lola Lasurt (1983, ES)*
- Matías Daporta (1987, ES)*
Cure and Care
- Eva Chettle (1987, FR/UK)
- Fanja Bouts (1997, NL)
- Félix Blume (1984, FR)
- Jonathas de Andrade (1982, BR)
- Marie-Claire Messouma Manlanbien (1990, FR)*
- Masbedo (1970; 1973, IT)
- Nora Ancarola (1955, AR/ES)*
- Radio Slumber (Collective, international)*
- Tanja Smeets (1963, NL)
Imagining Futures
- Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg (1982, UK)*
- Carlos Bunga (1976, PT/ES)*
- Diana Policarpo (1986, PT/UK)
- Diana Scherer (1971, DE/NL)*
- Domènec (1962, ES)*
- Eva Fàbregas (1988, ES)
- Jokkoo Collective (Collective, based in)*
- Kiluanji Kia Henda (1979, AO/PT)*
- Korakrit Arunanondchai (1986, TH/US)
- Maya Watanabe (1983, PE/ES)
- Mike Nelson (1967, UK)*
- Niels Albers (1983, NL)*
- OJO Estudio (Collective, based in ES)*
- Rosa Tharrats & Gabriel Ventura (1983;1988, ES)*
- Tornen les esquelles (Collective, based in ES)*
- Ugo Schiavi (1987, FR)
Gustavo Gili
- Anaïs Florin (1987, FR/ES)*
- Diversorium (Collective, based in ES)*
- Germán Labrador Méndez (1980, ES)*
- Lorenzo Sandoval (1980, ES/DE)*
- Massa Salvatge i Lluc Mayol (Collective, based in ES)*
- Paisanaje (Collective, based in ES)*
- Tania Safura Adam (1979, MZ/ES)*
- Institute for Postnatural Studies (Collective, based in ES)
- Lara Schnitger (1969, NL/US)*
- Metrópolis (Collective, based in ES)*
- Transductores (Collective, based in ES)*

Focus Weeks :
Focus Weeks will highlight the 11 metropolitan cities’ cultural diversity and history for each week of the biennial. To celebrate each week, the Manifesta 15 Mobile Venue will arrive at the city’s main square, presenting various events and activities in collaboration with the local municipalities. Sustainably built in collaboration with IAAC students, the Mobile Venue serves as a cultural hub and communal space, bringing people together during these weeks :
9.09 – 15.09.2024 Sant Adrià de Besòs
16.09 – 22.09.2024 Sant Cugat del Vallès
23.09 – 29.09.2024 Terrassa
30.09 – 06.10.2024 Sabadell
07.10 – 13.10.2024 Granollers
14.10 – 20.10.2024 Mataró
21.10 – 27.10.2024 Santa Coloma de Gramenet
28.10 – 03.11.2024 Badalona
04.11 – 10.11.2024 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
11.11 – 17.11.2024 Cornellà de Llobregat
18.11 – 24.11.2024 El Prat de Llobregat
Participants :
The Manifesta 15 venues host an array of participants, 55% of which have either created newly-commissioned work or adapted projects especially for the biennial. In addition, in a sign of Manifesta 15’s commitment to promoting local perspectives, 36% of the participants are local.
List of participants :
Practical Infos :
Manifesta 15
September 8th/ November 24th